Otto Optics

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Your Eye Care & Eyewear Products, All in One Place

Looking for an online optical store that puts YOU first? Look no further than Otto Optics. This online shop makes it easy to order the eye care products you need from the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy direct-to-patient shipping, prescription refill reminders, and even subscriptions to your favorite eye care products, ranging from contact lenses all the way to dry eye drops and medications.

Our Location

From Northwest 43rd Street, we’re behind the Hunter’s Crossing shopping center, near McDonald’s and Ameris Bank. Head straight back behind the center. Look for the Bristol Park sign, stay on your left, and find building 4635.

Our Address

  • 4635 NW 53rd Ave
  • Gainesville, FL 32653

Contact Information

Our Hours

Closed Thursdays from 12-1 for staff training. Book Appointment

Our Brands

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